
Brain Boss Chronicles

Brain Boss Chronicles: Demystifying the Marvels of Executive Function

Executive function plays a significant role in one’s ability to make and maintain friendships. Executive function refers to a set of mental skills that allow individuals to plan, organize, initiate, and complete tasks. It also involves abilities like impulse control, working memory, and flexibility in thinking. Here’s how executive function can impact one’s ability to […]

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Autism and Aging: Navigating the Journey with Care and Support

As the autistic population ages, it is essential to understand and address the unique challenges and support requirements that arise in adulthood and beyond. As a speech-language pathologist interested in autism studies, I am dedicated to ensuring that older autistic individuals receive the care and support they need to navigate this new phase of life

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Autism and Gender: Celebrating Intersectionality

As a speech-language pathologist, I am increasingly aware of the intersectionality between autism and gender identity. It is essential to recognize and celebrate the diverse experiences of autistic individuals who identify as transgender or non-binary. In our journey towards creating an inclusive society, it is crucial to recognize and celebrate the intersectionality of individuals with

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Mental Health and Well-being: Nurturing Holistic Support

As a speech-language pathologist interested in all things autism-related,  I recognize the importance of addressing the mental health and well-being of individuals on the spectrum. Autism is not just a neurodevelopmental difference; it is a lifelong journey that can bring unique challenges to an individual’s mental health. Research has shown that autistic individuals are more

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Technology and Assistive Devices: Opening New Avenues of Communication

Technology has become a powerful ally in my work as a speech-language pathologist, mainly when assisting autistic individuals in their communication journey. Augmentative and alternative communication devices (AAC), virtual reality (VR) therapy, wearable sensors, and mobile applications have opened new avenues of communication and support for autistic individuals. AAC devices provide individuals with nonverbal or

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The Crucial Role of Early Identification in Autism: Unveiling the Benefits of Early Intervention

Autism, a neurodevelopmental difference, affects millions of children worldwide. While each autistic individual has unique strengths and challenges, one thing remains clear: early identification and intervention are crucial. By recognizing the indicators of autism early, we can empower parents and caregivers to access the support and resources they need to thrive. Let’s explore the importance

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What Employers Need to Know: Six Accommodations Autistic Workers may need.

Creating an inclusive and supportive work environment for autistic individuals involves understanding and implementing appropriate accommodations. These accommodations can  enhance productivity, job satisfaction, and overall well-being.  Here are some critical considerations for employers to keep in mind: 1) Sensory Sensitivities: Sensory sensitivities are common among individuals on the autism spectrum. Employers should provide a sensory-friendly

What Employers Need to Know: Six Accommodations Autistic Workers may need. Read More »

Neurodiversity and Inclusion: Embracing the Beauty of Differences

As a seasoned speech-language pathologist working with autistic individuals, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of embracing neurodiversity. The concept of neurodiversity recognizes that neurological differences, including autism, are a natural and valuable part of the human experience. It’s time for society to shift its perspective and celebrate the unique strengths and perspectives that

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The Challenge of Pathological Demand Avoidance: Embracing Neurodiversity and the P.A.N.D.A. Approach for Parents and Caregivers

Pathological demand avoidance (P.D.A.) is a term used to describe a profile of autism characterized by an extreme avoidance of everyday demands and expectations. People with P.D.A. have difficulties with social communication and interaction and can struggle with sensory processing, but what sets them apart is their extreme resistance to demands. P.D.A. was first described

The Challenge of Pathological Demand Avoidance: Embracing Neurodiversity and the P.A.N.D.A. Approach for Parents and Caregivers Read More »